How does hydrotherapy help treat eczema?

Indicated to soothe inflammation and to learn how to live better with atopic eczema, hydrotherapy is a complementary treatment which comes highly recommended by those who practice it.
The benefits of hydrotherapy for eczema
Thermal spring water, delivered in showers and baths along with specific hydrating care, helps relieve dryness and inflammation caused by atopic dermatitis. This explains the efficacy of hydrotherapy, which offers intensive dermatological care.
After hydrotherapy
The hydrotherapy treatment takes three weeks to complete. Afterwards, most people feel much better: fewer scabs and less oozing, reduced skin dryness and increased relief from itching.
The months that follow
Long after it’s completed, hydrotherapy continues to have positive effects. Symptoms are slower to come back, and flare-ups are less frequent.
During the hydrotherapy treatment, you meet other people with eczema, which right away makes it easier to accept your condition. In addition to learning the right skin care habits, you also learn to live a bit better with the disease.
On the agenda: baths and workshops
Hydrotherapy offers more than just water-related benefits. On top of the baths and showers, you will also receive specific hydrating care.
To complete your treatment experience, workshops help you live more comfortably with eczema and to better understand your disease. Depending on your age and the program offered by the hydrotherapy center, you may learn, for example, good skin care habits, relaxation techniques, or even tips on how to avoid scratching.
For children, the programs make learning about cleansing and good practices fun!
When should you try hydrotherapy?
- Atopic eczema
- Varicose eczema
- Chronic contact eczema, especially work-related
Hydrotherapy may be reimbursed
You will need to cut through some red tape before booking your hydrotherapy treatment, such as completing a questionnaire with your attending physician. Social security will reimburse one 18-day therapy treatment per year. In most cases, the patient is responsible for any costs for transportation and accommodations. Contact your health insurance provider: many of them will cover certain costs.
Social security may reimburse hydrotherapy treatments and medical costs to non-French patients as well. European patients can request coverage by submitting an E-112 form (to be completed with your doctor and submitted to your health insurance provider).