Eczema on the arms

The wrists, crook of the arms, and the elbows are the regions most often affected by eczema.
These red, itchy patches can be associated with two types of eczema: atopic eczema or allergic eczema. And each type requires a different approach!
Atopic eczema on the arms
People with atopic eczema experience redness in different areas of the body depending on their age. The arms are among the most commonly affected areas across all age groups.
Patches appear primarily on the outer arms in infants, on the elbow folds and wrists in children, and on the crook of the arms in adults (although adults most often see them develop on the hands and face).
Wear suitable clothing
Some clothing can make irritation worse: opt for white cotton clothes, avoid wool or synthetic materials, and choose an appropriate detergent.
In addition to prescription cortisone creams, emollients are vital for repairing the skin and delaying the next flare-up.
Allergic contact eczema on the arms
Did your eczema appear suddenly, without any warning sign aside from itching, and without any history of atopic eczema? If so, it could be an allergic reaction, for example, to costume jewelry. This condition is known as contact eczema.
The wrist is the most commonly affected area due to wearing bracelets: costume bracelets made of metal or exotic wood, metal or leather watch straps (chromium allergy), or even the buckle on the watch (nickel allergy), etc.
Note that allergies are never triggered upon first exposure, and that contact with allergens can occur indirectly through an intermediary such as clothing or another person.
Your mission is to identify the triggering agent in order to avoid it in your daily activities. If the cause is unclear, your doctor can help identify it by conducting an interview and carrying out allergy tests. Also, your doctor will certainly prescribe a topical corticosteroid to be applied over the course of a few days.